Chapter 10 System Management

The system management module is divided into 4 parts: user management, permission management, global configuration, and external data source, as shown in figure 10-1.

Among user management, users can add, delete or edit department, position, user, and roles;

Among permission management, roles are the intermediate bridge to allocate resources to users;

Among global configuration, users can realize basic, map, Google voice and other configuration;

Among external data sources, data sources in the business database can be connected.

Figure 10-1 System management
Figure 10-1 System management

10.1 User Management

10.1.1 Role

Roles include two categories: system roles and custom roles. System roles are preset, including six categories: system manager, resource manager, department manager, developer, log manager, and creator. Custom roles can be created by the admin user or a user with the system manager role.

Table 10-1 Input statement

Roles Description
System Manager Global configuration, user management, role management, assign roles to users/position
Resource Manager Manage all resources and give permission
Department Manager Manage the organizational structure of the direct department, and can assign roles to the organizational structure (assign/de-assign)
Developer Add new resources and manage resources with permissions
Log Manager Audit log
Creator Add new resources
Custom Roles Role-related resource permissions
  • For users who are not assigned roles, they can only see public resources and cannot add new resources.

  • For users who are only assigned a custom role, they can only see the data table, answer and dashboard related to the custom role, but cannot edit or save them.

  • Only users who are assigned the resource administrator and developer roles can create resources.

  • Only the super administrator (admin) and users with system manager role permission can add, delete, and modify role information. Add Roles

Click “Roles” under “User Management” to view all role information. Click the “Create a role” button to pop up a window, as shown in figure 10-1-1. After entering the name and description, click “Submit” and the role will appear in the list.

Figure 10-1-1 Add roles
Figure 10-1-1 Add roles Edit Roles

Find the role you want to edit under “Roles” (only custom roles can be edited). Hover over the role, click the “Edit” button on the right, as shown in figure 10-1-2. On the pop-up window, modify the information, and click the “Submit” button. Then the edited role will be displayed in the list.

Figure 10-1-2 Edit roles
Figure 10-1-2 Edit roles Remove Roles

Find the role you want to delete under “Roles”. Hover over the role, click the “Delete” button on the right, as shown in figure 10-1-3. On the pop-up window, the role disappears after clicking the “Submit” button.

Or click the check box at the front of each row, select multiple roles and click the “Delete” button at the top of the list to delete them in batches.

Figure 10-1-3 Remove roles
Figure 10-1-3 Remove roles Search Roles

Find the search box under “Roles”, enter the keyword and it will display the search results, which helps quickly locate the role, as shown in figure 10-1-4.

Figure 10-1-4 Search roles
Figure 10-1-4 Search roles

10.1.2 User List

Only super administrators (admin) and users with system manager role can add, edit or delete the user list. The admin user can configure any role for new users; users with system manager role can only configure developer roles and custom roles for new users. Add Users

Click “Users List” under “User Management” to see all user information. Click the “Invite users” button, and a window will pop up, as shown in figure 10-1-5. Enter the email address, and choose the roles. Then click the “Invite now” button, after the user accept the invitation through email, the user will be displayed in the list.

Figure 10-1-5 Add users
Figure 10-1-5 Add users Edit Users

Find the user you want to edit under “Users List”, hover over it. Click the “Edit” button on the right, as shown in the figure 10-1-6. On the pop-up window, as shown in figure 10-1-7, modify the information, and click the “Submit” button, and the edited user will be displayed in the list.

Figure 10-1-6 Edit users button
Figure 10-1-6 Edit users button
Figure 10-1-7 Edit users
Figure 10-1-7 Edit users Remove Users

Find the user you want to delete under “Users list”. Hover over it, click the “Delete” button on the right, as shown in figure 10-1-8. On the pop-up window, the user disappears after clicking the “Submit” button.

Or click the check box at the front of each row, select multiple users and click the “Delete” button at the top of the list to delete them in batches.

Figure 10-1-8 Remove users
Figure 10-1-8 Remove users Search Users

Find the search box under “Users list”, enter the keyword and it will display the search results, which helps quickly locate the user, as shown in figure 10-1-9.

Figure 10-1-9 Search users
Figure 10-1-9 Search users

10.1.3 Department Structure

The super administrator (admin) can view the complete organizational structure and add, edit, search and delete; users with department manager role can view the organizational structure of their direct department, and can add, edit, and delete positions as well as users for the direct department.

With department-position-user organizational structure, users can join multiple departments. Add Departments

Click “Groups Structure” under “User Management”, and you can see all department information under the department column on the left. Select a department, click the “Add” button, as shown in figure 10-1-10, a window will pop up to add new sub-department under the selected parent department.

Figure 10-1-10 Add sub-departments
Figure 10-1-10 Add sub-departments

Select “All Departments”, click the “Add” button, the “Add Department” pop-up window will pop up, as shown in figure 10-1-11. Enter the department name, and click the “Submit” button, the new department will be displayed in the list.

Figure 10-1-11 Add departments
Figure 10-1-11 Add departments Edit Departments

Find the department you want to edit under “Groups Structure”, hover over it. Click the “Edit” button on the right, as shown in the figure 10-1-12. On the pop-up window, as shown in figure 10-1-13, modify the information, and click the “Submit” button, and the edited department will be displayed in the list.

Figure 10-1-12 Edit departments button
Figure 10-1-12 Edit departments button
Figure 10-1-13 Edit departments
Figure 10-1-13 Edit departments Remove Departments

Find the department to be deleted under the “All Department” list, hover over the department, and click the “Delete” button on the right side. The department and its sub-department(s) in the list will disappear, as shown in figure 10-1-14.

Figure 10-1-14 Remove departments
Figure 10-1-14 Remove departments Search Departments

Find the search box under “Department”, enter the keyword and it will display the search results, which helps quickly locate the department, as shown in figure 10-1-15.

Figure 10-1-15 Search departments
Figure 10-1-15 Search departments Add Positions for Department

Click “Groups Structure” under User Management”, and you can see all department information under the department column on the left. Select a department to view all positions under this department.

Click the “Add” button in the position column. The super administrator (admin) can configure any role for the position. After the role is configured for the position, all users under the position have the permissions of the role, as shown in figure 10-1-16.

Figure 10-1-16 Add positions for department
Figure 10-1-16 Add positions for department

Users with the department manager role can choose their own roles (except system roles), as shown in figure 10-1-17. After a role is configured for a position, all users under the position have the permissions of the role. Click the “Submit” button and the newly added position will be displayed in the list.

Figure 10-1-17 Add positions for department - department_manager
Figure 10-1-17 Add positions for department - department_manager Edit Positions

Find the position you want to edit under the position column, hover over it. Click the “Edit” button on the right, as shown in the figure 10-1-18. On the pop-up window, modify the information, and click the “Submit” button, and the edited position will be displayed in the list.

Figure 10-1-18 Edit positions
Figure 10-1-18 Edit positions Remove Positions

Find the position to be deleted under the position column, hover over it, and click the “Delete” button on the right side. The position in the list will disappear, as shown in figure 10-1-19.

Figure 10-1-19 Remove positions
Figure 10-1-19 Remove positions Search Positions

Select a department, find the search box under position column, enter the keyword and it will display the search results, which helps quickly locate the department, as shown in figure 10-1-20.

Figure 10-1-20 Search positions
Figure 10-1-20 Search positions Import Users for Position

Click “Groups Structure” under “User Management”, and you can see all department information under the department column on the left. Select a department to view all positions under the department.

Select a position and view all users under the position. Click the “Import User” button in the post column of the department, all user names will be displayed on the right side, as shown in figure 10-1-21 and 10-1-22. Select a user, and the user name will be displayed under the user list of the current position in the current department.

Figure 10-1-21 Import users for position button
Figure 10-1-21 Import users for position button
Figure 10-1-22 Import users for position
Figure 10-1-22 Import users for position Remove Users for Position

Click “Groups Structure” under “User Management”, and you can see all department information under the department column on the left. Select a department to view all positions under the department.

Select a position and view all users under the position. Hover over a user name and click the “Delete” button in the upper right corner to remove the user from the current position, as shown in figure 10-1-23.

Figure 10-1-23 Remove users for position
Figure 10-1-23 Remove users for position

10.2 Permission Management

In the DataFocus Cloud system, resource permissions are attached to custom roles. By configuring resources for roles and assigning custom roles to different users/departments, packaged resources can be assigned to specific users/departments.

Only super administrators (admin) and users with resource administrator role can configure resources.

10.2.1 Configure Resources for Roles

Enter the “Permission Management” module, select a role in the custom role list on the left side of the page. A list of all resources will be displayed on the right side of the page, including four categories: data table, answer, dashboard and project, as shown in figure 10-2-1.

Figure 10-2-1 Permission management
Figure 10-2-1 Permission management

10.2.2 Configure Resources for Roles – Tables

Select a role to configure tables for that role. When there are a lot of resources, you can click “All Resources” and select “Table” in the drop-down box, to display all data table resources, as shown in figure 10-2-2.

Figure 10-2-2 Permission management - configure tables
Figure 10-2-2 Permission management - configure tables
  • Column Permissions
    1. Select the data table to be configured, and check the corresponding “Use” box;

    2. Click the “Privilege” button on the right, and pop up the window, as shown in figure 10-2-3;

    3. You can freely select the relevant columns and click “Submit” to complete the column permission setting, that is, the role can only see the data information selected.

    Figure 10-2-3 Permission management - table column
    Figure 10-2-3 Permission management - table column
  • Row Permissions
    1. Select the data table to be configured, and check the corresponding “Use” box;

    2. Click the “Privilege” button on the right, on the pop-up window, click “Row Privilege”;

    3. Configure the row filter conditions (where ‘contains’, ‘=’, ‘equals’, ‘!=’ can be used in the Attribute column, and ‘>’, ‘<’, ‘<=, ‘>=’, ‘=’, ‘!=’ can be used in the Measure column and Time column), as shown in figure 10-2-4, click “Submit” to complete the row permission setting, that is, the role can only see the data information selected.

    Figure 10-2-4 Permission management - table row
    Figure 10-2-4 Permission management - table row

10.2.3 Configure Resources for Roles – Answers

Select a role to configure answer for that role. When there are a lot of resources, you can click “All Resources” and select “Answer” in the drop-down box, to display all answer resources, as shown in figure 10-2-5. Setting the “View” permission means that this role can only view this answer, but cannot export it as csv or image.

Figure 10-2-5 Permission management - answer
Figure 10-2-5 Permission management - answer

10.2.4 Configure Resources for Roles – Dashboards

Select a role to configure dashboard for that role. When there are a lot of resources, you can click “All Resources” and select “dashboard” in the drop-down box, to display all dashboard resources, as shown in figure 10-2-6. “View”, “Edit” and “Export” permissions can be configured.

Setting the “View” permission means that the role can only view the dashboard, but cannot edit it or export it as pdf;

Setting the “Edit” permission means that the role can edit the dashboard, but cannot export it as pdf;

Setting the “Export” permission means that the role can export the dashboard as pdf, but it cannot be edited;

Setting the “View”, “Edit”, and “Export” permissions, that is, the role can view, edit, and export the dashboard as pdf.

Figure 10-2-6 Permission management - dashboard
Figure 10-2-6 Permission management - dashboard

10.2.5 Configure Resources for Roles – Projects

Select a role to configure project for that role. When there are a lot of resources, you can click “All Resources” and select “Project” in the drop-down box, to display all project resources. You can configure the “View” permission, which will be automatically synchronized to the configuration of the corresponding resource in the project, as shown in figure 10-2-7. You can also configure permissions for a resource in the project separately, as shown in figure 10-2-8.

Figure 10-2-7 Permission management - project total
Figure 10-2-7 Permission management - project total
Figure 10-2-8 Permission management - project single
Figure 10-2-8 Permission management - project single

10.2.6 Search Roles

Find the search box above “Defined Roles” on the left side of the page, enter the keyword and it will display the search results, which helps quickly locate the role, as shown in figure 10-2-9.

Figure 10-2-9 Search roles
Figure 10-2-9 Search roles

10.2.7 Search Resources

Select a role, find the search box in the top middle, enter the keyword and it will display the search results, which helps quickly locate the resource, as shown in figure 10-2-10.

Figure 10-2-10 Search resources
Figure 10-2-10 Search resources

Check “Show only permissions” to filter and display the resources for which permissions have been set for this role, as shown in figure 10-2-11.

Figure 10-2-11 Search resources - show only permissions
Figure 10-2-11 Search resources - show only permissions

10.3 Global Configuration

Only super administrators (admin) and users with resource administrator role can view and edit global configuration.

10.3.1 Basic Configuration

The basic configuration is mainly to configure email authentication and send notification emails. It can be used after the email system configuration is enabled and configured correctly, as shown in figure 10-3-1.

  • When a user in DataFocus Cloud shares resources such as answer,dashboard, etc. with another user, the shared user will receive a reminder email. The sender is the email address configured here.

  • When a user needs to change the password or other operations that need the verification code (such as retrieving the password, etc.), DataFocus Cloud will use the email address configured here to send the verification code to the user’s mailbox.

  • When the collected answer or the dashboard is edited, the user will receive a prompt email.

Figure 10-3-1 Basic configuration
Figure 10-3-1 Basic configuration

According to the different mail service providers, the specific parameters will be slightly different. Enter the corresponding information:

Domain: The system domain name is the current domain name address (URL);

Main host & Mail post: The server address and port (users of other mail providers need to find the corresponding parameters by themselves);

Send mail & Mail username & Mail password: The sending email and user name are both email addresses, and the password is the email password.

Finally, select Enable SSL, click Save, and it will prompt that the configuration is successful, you need to log in again to verify the email, and the configured email will receive an enable email.

10.3.2 Map Configuration

Custom Region: Customize the geographical scope, including country collection, state collection, city collection, district collection, and other regional collections. When the value in the column of the field in the data table contains the name of the custom region, first set the geo type of the field to the corresponding geographic type (country collection, state collection, city collection, district collection, and other region collections), then on the search analysis page, produce maps with a custom geographic scope.

Country Region: Customize country information. When the value in the column of the country field in the data table is different from the built-in country information (name, location) in the system, you can edit it and add country. Add Custom Region

There are two ways to add custom regions in DataFocus Cloud.

  • The specific operation of method 1 is as follows:
    1. Click the “Add” button, and the “New Custom Region” window pops up;

    2. Select the geo type (country set, state set, city set, district set, other area set);

    3. Set a custom name and click the “+” button to define multiple names;

    4. Fill in the latitude and longitude of the center point and the maximum and minimum latitude and longitude of the set;

    5. Upload the GeoJSON format file, click “Submit”, as shown in figure 10-3-2, then the custom area is successfully saved, and it will be displayed in the custom area list.

Figure 10-3-2 Add custom region
Figure 10-3-2 Add custom region
  • The specific operation of method 2 is as follows:
    1. Click the “Import GeoJSON” button, and the “New Custom Region” window pops up;

    2. Select the geo type (country set, state set, city set, district set, other area set);

    3. Select the GeoJSON file, and click “Submit”, as shown in figure 10-3-3, then the custom area is successfully saved, and it will be displayed in the custom area list.

Figure 10-3-3 Import GeoJSON
Figure 10-3-3 Import GeoJSON Edit Custom Region

  • Edit location information
    1. Hover over the custom region, and click the “Edit the location” button, as shown in figure 10-3-4;

    2. On the pop-up window, and you can modify the geographic type, name and longitude and latitude of the center point, as shown in figure 10-3-5;

    3. Click “Submit” to save.

Figure 10-3-4 Edit custom region - location button
Figure 10-3-4 Edit custom region - location button
Figure 10-3-5 Edit custom region - location
Figure 10-3-5 Edit custom region - location
  • Edit map location information
    1. Hover over the custom region, and click the “Edit the map location” button, as shown in figure 10-3-6;

    2. On the pop-up window, and you can modify the maximum as well minimum longitude and latitude and can upload a new file, as shown in figure 10-3-7;

    3. Click “Submit” to save.

Figure 10-3-6 Edit custom region - map location button
Figure 10-3-6 Edit custom region - map location button
Figure 10-3-7 Edit custom region - map location
Figure 10-3-7 Edit custom region - map location Remove Custom Region

Hover over the custom region, click the “Delete” button, as shown in figure 10-3-8. On the pop-up window, click “Submit” to delete the custom region.

Figure 10-3-8 Remove custom region
Figure 10-3-8 Remove custom region Search Custom Region

Find the search box under “Custom region”, enter the keyword and it will display the search results, which helps quickly locate the resource, as shown in figure 10-3-9.

On the right side of the search box, click the drop-down box, and select the area collection to display the filtering results, which can help you quickly find different types of custom regions.

Figure 10-3-9 Search custom region
Figure 10-3-9 Search custom region Add Country Region

On the right side of the country list, click the “Add” button, fill in the relevant information (similar to adding a custom area, for details, please refer to that), click “Submit” to add a new country, as shown in figure 10-3-10.

Figure 10-3-10 Add country region
Figure 10-3-10 Add country region Edit Country/Province/City/District

Hover over the Country/Province/City/District, click the “Edit the location” button, as shown in figure 10-3-11. You can add or edit the geographic name, then click “Submit”, as shown in figure 10-3-12.

Figure 10-3-11 Edit country,province,city,district button
Figure 10-3-11 Edit country,province,city,district button
Figure 10-3-12 Edit country,province,city,district
Figure 10-3-12 Edit country,province,city,district Search Country/Province/City/District

Find the search box under Country/Province/City/District, enter the keyword and it will display the search results, which helps quickly locate the area, as shown in figure 10-3-13.

Figure 10-3-13 Search country,province,city,district
Figure 10-3-13 Search country,province,city,district

10.3.3 Taowen Sync Configuration

Taowen synchronization configuration can synchronize the newly created data, answer, dashboard and other content in DataFocus Cloud to Taowen. As shown in figure 10-3-14, after filling in the “Secret Id” and “secret Key”, click “Save”. The “Secret Id” and “secret Key” need to be checked in Taowen, as shown in figure 10-3-15.

Figure 10-3-14 Taowen sync configuration
Figure 10-3-14 Taowen sync configuration
Figure 10-3-15 Taowen sync information
Figure 10-3-15 Taowen sync information

10.3.4 Other Configuration

When the data source is directly connected, the answer can be refreshed periodically at a configurable interval. In “Other Configurations” under global configuration, you can limit the minimum time interval for regular refresh of all answers, as shown in figure 10-3-16.

For example, enter “10”, that is, the time interval between regular refreshes cannot be less than 10 seconds. After clicking “Save”, when searching on the search analysis page, set the “Refresh” chart configuration. If it is set to 8 seconds, the system will automatically jump to 10 seconds; if it is set to 12 seconds, it will be 12 seconds.

Figure 10-3-16 Other configuration
Figure 10-3-16 Other configuration

10.4 External Data Resource

Only super administrators (admin) and users with resource administrator role can view, add and edit permission of external data resource. Only after connecting to an external data source can you import or directly connect data in an external database on the data management or resource management pages.

10.4.1 Add External Data Resource

Click the “New Data Source” button. On the pop-up window, select the data source type, fill in the source name, server, port, database name, schema, JDBC parameter, user name, and password, and click “Connection”. After ‘connection is successful’, click the “Submit” to add external data source, as shown in figure 10-4-1.

The connection types supported by the current version are: PostgreSQL/RDS PostgreSQL, MYSQL/RDS MYSQL/RDS MariaDB TX, Oracle, IBM DB2, SQL Server/RDS SQL Server, Sybase, Pivotal Greenplum, Kudu.

Figure 10-4-1 Add external data resource
Figure 10-4-1 Add external data resource

10.4.2 Edit External Data Resource

Find the data source you want to edit under the external data source list, hover over the data source, click the “Edit” button on the right, as shown in figure 10-4-2. On the pop-up window, modify the information, click the “Connect” button. After it prompts “Connection succeeded”, click the “Submit” button.

Figure 10-4-2 Edit external data resource button
Figure 10-4-2 Edit external data resource button
Figure 10-4-3 Edit external data resource
Figure 10-4-3 Edit external data resource
