Search Keywords
1. Compare
This section lists all of the circumstances that “vs” keyword suits.
vs (case-insensitive)
Time & Date Comparison:
— e.g: 2019 VS 2020 VS 2021 Sales
Specific Attribute (values in column) Comparison:
— e.g: “West” vs “East” Sales
Partial vs all:
— e.g: Region Vs all Sales
2. Growth
Growth keywords show data growth at different time frequency.
- Period-over-Period: vs last period
- Periods over Year-over-Year: vs same period last year
Period-over-Period Growth Amount:
growth amount of yy [measure] by xx [date] daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly/yearly
— e.g: growth amount of Sales by Order_Date quarterly
Period-over-Period Growth Rate:
growth of yy [measure] by xx [date] daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly/yearly
— e.g: growth of Sales by Order_Date monthly
Periods over Year-over-Year Growth Amount:
growth amount of yy [measure] by xx [date] daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly/yearly year over year
— e.g: growth amount of Sales by Order_Date weekly year over year
Periods over Year-over-Year Growth Rate:
growth of yy [measure] by xx [date] daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly/yearly year over year
— e.g: growth of Sales by Order_Date yearly year over year
3. Sort
Sort keywords rank data and can display the best/worst data.
Note: The aggregation method includes: sum, min, max, average, std_deviation, variance, count, count_distinct.
sort by (aggregation) yy [measure] xx [attribute]
— e.g: sort by average Sales Region
sort by (aggregation) yy [measure] xx [attribute]
— e.g: sort by Sales descending Product_Name
sort by (aggregation) yy [measure] xx [attribute]
— e.g: sort by sum Sales ascending Region
Single Sort:
top (aggregation) yy [measure] xx [attribute]
— e.g: top sum Sales Product_Name
top n [number] (aggregation) yy [measure] xx [attribute]
— e.g: top 5 sum Sales City
bottom (aggregation) yy [measure] xx [attribute]
— e.g: bottom sum Sales Customer_Name
bottom n [number] (aggregation) yy [measure] xx [attribute]
— e.g: bottom 8 sum Profit State
top a [number] to b [number] (aggregation) yy [measure] xx [attribute]
— e.g: top 3 to 5 sum Sales Product_Name
bottom a [number] to b [number] (aggregation) yy [measure] xx [attribute]
— e.g: bottom 3 to 5 sum Sales Product_Name
Group Sort:
top (aggregation) yy [measure] by xx [attribute]
— e.g: top sum Sales by Region
bottom (aggregation) yy [measure] by xx [attribute]
— e.g: bottom sum Sales by Product_Name
top n [number] (aggregation) yy [measure] by xx [attribute]
— e.g: top 10 sum Sales by City
bottom n [number] (aggregation) yy [measure] by xx [attribute]
— e.g: bottom 5 sum Sales by Region
top a [number] to b [number] (aggregation) yy [measure] by xx [attribute]
— e.g: top 5 to 10 average Sales by Sub_Category
bottom a [number] to b [number] (aggregation) yy [measure] by xx [attribute]
— e.g: bottom 3 to 5 average Sales by Product_Name
4. String
String keywords add filters on attributes.
xx [attribute] begins with
— e.g: Product_Name begins with “#” Sales
xx [attribute] not begins with
— e.g: Product_Name not begins with “#” Sales
xx [attribute] ends with
— e.g: Product_Name ends with “Envelopes” Sales
xx [attribute] not ends with
— e.g: Product_Name not ends with “Envelopes” Sales
xx [attribute] contains
— e.g: Product_Name contains “phone” Sales
xx [attribute] not contains
— e.g: Product_Name not contains “phone” Sales
5. Range
This section lists keywords that can restrict data within a range.
xx [attribute] is null
— e.g: Product_Name is null Sales
xx [attribute] is not null
— e.g: Product_Name is not null Profit
yy [measure] > n [number]
— e.g: Sales > 1000
yy [measure] <</span> n [number]
— e.g: Profit < 500
xx =
— e.g: Region = “Central”
Sales = 500 -
xx !=
— e.g: Region != “Central”
Profit != 400 -
yy [measure] >= n [number]
— e.g: Profit >= 800
yy [measure] <= n [number]
— e.g: Quantity <= 100
6. Numbers
This section shows aggregation keywords.
Attribute Column:
count xx
— e.g: count Order_ID
unique count xx
— e.g: unique count Customer_Name
Measure Column:
sum yy
— e.g: sum Profit
max yy
— e.g: max Profit
min yy
— e.g: min Profit
average yy
— e.g: average Profit
variance yy
— e.g: variance Profit
standard deviation yy
— e.g: standard deviation Profit
distribution yy
— e.g: distribution Profit
yy between a [number] and b [number]
— e.g: Profit between 1000 and 5000
7. Time
This section lists keywords relevant to detailed time (hour, minute).
Past Time:
last n [number] minutes
— e.g: last 30 minutes Quantity
last minute
— e.g: last minute Profit
last n [number] hours
— e.g: last 6 hours Sales
last hour
— e.g: last hour Order_ID
n [number] minutes ago
— e.g: 60 minutes ago Customer_Name
n [number] hours ago
— e.g: 6 hours ago Order_ID
Future Time:
next minute
— e.g: next minute Target
next hour
— e.g: next hour Target
next n [number] minutes
— e.g: next 60 minutes Target
next n [number] hours
— e.g: next 6 hours Target
Time Period:
first n [number] hours for each day
— e.g: first 3 hours for each day Order_Date Profit
last n [number] hours for each day
— e.g: last 3 hours for each day Order_Date Profit
— e.g: hourly Quantity
8. Date
Date keywords filter out time in several dimensions, including current dates, relative dates, time period, and etc.
Past of Relative Dates:
before “yyyy”
— e.g: before “2022” Profit
before “yyyy/mm”
— e.g: before “2021/8” Profit
before “yyyy/mm/dd”
— e.g: before “2020/06/30” Profit
before “yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss”
— e.g: before “2020/05/30 23:59:00” Profit
Past of Current Dates:
— e.g: yesterday Quantity
last Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday
— e.g: last Friday Product_Name
last weekend
— e.g: last weekend Sales
last week
— e.g: last week Sales
last month
— e.g: last month Sales
last quarter
— e.g: last quarter Sales
last year
— e.g: last year Sales
last n [number] days
— e.g: last 14 days Profit
last n [number] weeks
— e.g: last 2 weeks Profit
last n [number] months
— e.g: last 2 months Profit
last n [number] quarters
— e.g: last 3 quarters Customer_Name
last n [number] years
— e.g: last 3 years Profit
n [number] days ago
— e.g: 15 days ago count Order_ID
n [number] weeks ago
— e.g: 5 weeks ago Quantity
n [number] months ago
— e.g: 3 months ago Quantity
n [number] quarters ago
— e.g: 3 quarters ago Sales
n [number] years ago
— e.g: 2 years ago Profit
Current Dates:
— e.g: today Customer_ID
week to date
— e.g: week to date Quantity
month to date
— e.g: month to date Sales
quarter to date
— e.g: quarter to date Profit
year to date
— e.g: year to date Sales
Future of Relative Dates:
after “yyyy”
— e.g: after “2021” Sales
after “yyyy/mm”
— e.g: after “2021/09” Quantity
after “yyyy/mm/dd”
— e.g: after “2021/05/30” Customer_Name
after “yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm”
— e.g: after “2021/12/08 17:08:12” Product_Name
Future of Current Dates:
— e.g: tomorrow Target
next Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday
— e.g: next Thursday Target
next weekend
— e.g: next weekend Target
next week
— e.g: next week Target
next month
— e.g: next month Target
next quarter
— e.g: next quarter Target
next year
— e.g: next year Target
next n [number] days
— e.g: next 30 days Target
next n [number] weeks
— e.g: next 3 weeks Target
next n [number] months
— e.g: next 3 months Target
next n [number] quarters
— e.g: next 2 quarters Target
next n [number] years
— e.g: next 2 years Target
Segment Dates:
— e.g: 2021 Sales
— e.g: August Profit
— e.g: “2020/08” Sales
— e.g: “2020/8/30” Quantity
— e.g: Friday Sales
— e.g: weekend Quantity
xx [date] between “yyyy” and “yyyy”
— e.g: Order_Date between “2020” and “2021” Sales
xx [date] between “yyyy/mm” and “yyyy/mm”
— e.g: Ship_Date between “2020/01” and “2021/06” Profit
xx [date] between “yyyy/mm/dd” and “yyyy/mm/dd”
— e.g: Ship_Date between “2020/06/01” and “2021/06/01” Sales
xx [date] between “yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm” and “yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm”
— e.g: Order_Date between “2020/06/01 12:00” and “2021/06/01 18:00” Profit
by day
— e.g: by day Sales
by day of week
— e.g: by day of week Sales
by week
— e.g: by week Sales
by month
— e.g: by month Sales
by quarter
— e.g: by quarter Sales
by year
— e.g: by year Sales
— e.g: daily Profit
— e.g: weekly Profit
— e.g: monthly Profit
— e.g: quarterly Profit
— e.g: yearly Profit
first n [number] days for each week/month/quarter/year
— e.g: first 20 days for each year Sales
first n [number] weeks for each month/quarter/year
— e.g: first 2 weeks for each month Sales
first n [number] months for each quarter/year
— e.g: first 2 months for each quarter Sales
first n [number] quarters for each year
— e.g: first 2 quarters for each year Sales
last n [number] days for each week/month/quarter/year
— e.g: last 20 days for each month Sales
last n [number] weeks for each month/quarter/year
— e.g: last 2 weeks for each quarter Sales
last n [number] months for each quarter/year
— e.g: last 2 months for each year Sales
last n [number] quarters for each year
— e.g: last 2 quarters for each year Sales
9. More
This section combines several keywords together to do advanced analysis.
Note: The aggregation method includes: sum, min, max, average, std_deviation, variance, count, count_distinct.
Compound Search:
yyyy vs yyyy growth amount of yy [measure] by xx [date] daily/.../yearly by day/.../by year
— e.g: 2019 vs 2020 growth amount of Profit by Order_Date monthly by quarter
month [January/…] vs month growth of yy [measure] by xx [date] daily/.../yearly by day/.../by year
— e.g: July vs August growth of Sales by Order_Date weekly by day of week
day(xx [date]) </<=/>/>= day(now( ))
— e.g: day(Order_Date) < day(now ( )) Order_Date Sales
day(xx [date]) </<=/>/>= day(now( )) last n day/.../year daily/.../yearly yy [measure]
— e.g: day(Order_Date) >= day(now ( )) last 5 months daily Profit
yyyy [date] vs yyyy [date] top n [number] (aggregation) yy [measure] xx [attribute]
— e.g: 2020 vs 2021 top 5 sum Profit Customer_Name
yyyy [date] vs yyyy [date] top n [number] (aggregation) yy [measure] by xx [attribute] zz [attribute]
— e.g: 2020 vs 2021 top 5 sum Profit by Region Customer_Name
“aa” [column value] vs “bb” [column value] top n [number] (aggregation) yy [measure] xx [attribute]
— e.g: “West” vs “East” top 3 sum Sales Product_Name
“aa” [column value] vs “bb” [column value] top n [number] (aggregation) yy [measure] by xx [attribute] zz [attribute]
— e.g: “West” vs “East” top 3 sum Sales by Segment Product_Name